VNA to apply piece concept for baggage allowances

VNA will apply the piece concept for baggage allowances on all domestic and international flights from August 1, replacing the current weight concept. 


According to head of the airlines’ marketing department, Dang Anh Tuan, piece concept has been widely used by airlines worldwide including Air France, Aeroflot, British Airways, Lufthansa, All Nippon Airways and Korean Air.

“VNA will become the first airlines in Vietnam to use piece concept which will unify our policies with major airlines therefore providing extra convenience for passengers having connecting flights with other airlines,” he said.
Tuan added that VNA is a member of Skyteam and will become the 16 out of 19 members to apply the piece concept.
The free baggage allowance would now be determined by the number of pieces of luggage rather than the total amount of weight that a passenger can travel with. Passengers who have already purchased tickets before the effective date of the new rule are still eligible for the standard allowance indicated on their existing tickets.

VNA will apply the piece concept for baggage allowances on all domestic and international flights from August 1 (Cre: VNA).

With the new policy, Business class passengers will enjoy free allowance of 1 piece (32kg) on domestic Vietnam routes and Vietnam-Southeast Asia route; 2 pieces (32kg/each) on Vietnam-Northeast Asia, Europe, Australia, the US. Economy Class passengers are entitled to carry 1 piece (23kg) on domestic Vietnam routes and Vietnam-Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia, Europe, Australia routes, and 2 pieces (23kg/each) on Vietnam – Japan and US routes. Premium Economy passengers can enjoy 2 pieces (23kg/each) on Vietnam – Northeast Asia, Europe, Australia, the US routes and 1 piece (32kg) on the Hanoi – Ho Chi Minh route.
Regarding hand luggage, the number of pieces allowed remains the same, but the weight of each piece will be increased. Economy class passengers can bring 1 piece (12kg) while Premium Economy and Business class passengers can bring 2 pieces (total 18kg).
Economy Class passengers with flights to and from Europe and Australia from 1 August to 31 December 2019 will receive 1 extra piece of luggage allowance (23kg). VNA will also offer discounted rates up to 50% on pre-purchase as well as additional baggage charges.

Cre: Dan Tri International

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

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