Over 350 Vietnamese citizens brought home from Australia, New Zealand

More than 350 Vietnamese citizens in Australia and New Zealand were brought home on October 29 on a flight operated by VNA.


All passengers and crew members received medical checkups and were sent to quarantine in line upon arrival. (Photo: VNA)

The flight was arranged by relevant agencies of Vietnam, Australia and New Zealand. Passengers on the flight were those in difficult circumstances, including under-18 children, the elderly, workers with expired labour contracts and others in disadvantaged circumstances.

In-flight safety and preventive measures against COVID-19 were rigorously enforced to protect passengers’ health and prevent the spread of diseases.

All passengers and crew members received medical checkups and were sent to quarantine in line with regulations upon arrival at Tan Son Nhat International Airport in Ho Chi Minh City.

The repatriation of Vietnamese citizens in disadvantaged circumstances abroad will continue to be conducted in line with citizens’ wishes, the development of the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine capacity in the country.

Cre: VietnamPlus

Nguyen Xuan Nghia – COMM

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