Free air tickets, accommodation offered to summit covering reporters

VNA and Vinpearl resort company have announced they will provide free air tickets and hotel accommodation for journalists, both Vietnamese and foreign, covering the ongoing DPRK-USA Hanoi Summit Vietnam.


Beneficiaries are all reporters holding event cards issued by the Foreign Ministry’s Information-Press Department.

Accordingly, VNA, Vinpearl and the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT) will offer to each reporter either a free domestic air ticket of VNA and a two-night accommodation at Vinpearl’s five-star resorts in Hoi An, Phu Quoc and Nha Trang; or just free domestic air tickets.
The VNAT hopes that by inviting reporters from hundreds of nations and territories around the world to come and experience Vietnam’s best aviation service and five-star resorts, as well as see with their own eyes Vietnam’s land and people, it will help make a profound contribution to promote tourism.
The second DPRK-USA Summit is considered an important political and external event of Vietnam in 2019, manifesting its foreign policy of “Vietnam is a friend and reliable partner of the international community.”

Cre: VOV

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