VNA Plane Forced to Return for Emergency Care of a Korean Passenger Having a Convulsion

Vietnam Airlines’ flight number VN957 flying from Hanoi to Yangon (Myanmar) on October 04, 2019, was forced to return to its departure terminal to provide urgent care for a Korean passenger encountering health problems during takeoff.


During the taxiing process, the Korean passenger seated in 26A developed symptoms of a convulsion session. Having detected the issue, the flight crew notified ground staff and requested medical assistance and immediate return of the aircraft to prevent any complications. Vietnam Airlines’ representatives, accompanied by Noi Bai International Airport’s medical staff, conducted an examination, administered first-aid treatment, and promptly moved the passenger to the city’s hospital. 

After that, the VN957 flight took off 49 minutes late as per the initial schedule. At the moment, the passenger’s health is reportedly stable after receiving treatment from doctors. Vietnam Airlines also sent its staff to accompany the passenger during emergency treatment. The airline will keep monitoring the passenger’s status and providing assistance in flight-related matters after the passenger recovers and is permitted to continue flying.

Flight and passenger safety is Vietnam Airlines’ top priority (Photo: VNA).

Before this incident, Vietnam Airlines had delayed the departure or arrival time of some flights for emergency care of passengers encountering health issues. For instance, in 2016, departure time of VN956 flight was delayed 80 minutes to assemble a stretcher to carry a Korean passenger having encountered a traffic accident in Myanmar; or in 2018, the VN36 flight from Frankfurt to Hanoi executed an urgent landing in Romania for emergency care of a Danish passenger…

Flight and passenger safety is Vietnam Airlines’ top priority. Response procedures for passengers encountering health problems have always been thoroughly updated and periodically taught and maintained for staff. This is to make sure all of the airlines’ ground and air staff are ready to handle any unexpected situation to prevent any loss of or harm to life or the well-being of passengers.

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

Spirit Vietnam Airlines
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