Answer the Questionnaire on raising awareness of the General Data Protection Regulation

CEO Duong Tri Thanh requests all foreign employees to comprehend the General Data Protection Regulation’s (GDPR) main contents and involve in answering the Questionnaire on raising awareness of the GDPR.


CEO Duong Tri Thanh issued the Direction No.1753/CT-TCTHK-PC on deployment of internal training to raise awareness of the GDPR of Europe Union (EU). In October 2018, Vietnam Airlines deployed this Direction to all Vietnamese employees and asked them to comprehend the GDPR’s main contents and involve in answering the Questionnaire on raising awareness of the GDPR.

Following this, CEO also requests all foreign employees to answer this Questionnaire in the following instructions:

Step 1: Access the link ( and select English language by clicking the flag icon;

Vietnam Airlines' E-learning website.

Step 2: Log in with email account granted to each employee;

Step 3: Click tab “EXAM – TEST” and select the test “GDPR Exam”; 

Step 4: (Optional) Click tab “Description”, select “Document GDPR” to download main contents of the GDPR;

Step 5: Click tab “Test” to start the Test;

Step 6: Click “Next” to complete the Test and get the exam result.

You can take the exam utill your score at least 50% of correct answers, but no more than 50 attempts are allowed.

The deadline for the implementation and completion of the Questionnaire on raising awareness of the GDPR is before December 21th, 2018. 

Spirit Vietnam Airlines
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