Secure Lotusmiles Tier, Enjoy VNA Benefits

The COVID-19 pandemic has been evolving with complicated development around the world, thus flights have been reduced and travel remains limited.


Lotusmiles extends expiry date for Platinum, Gold and Titanium membership tiers. (Photo: Lotusmiles)

Sharing with Lotusmiles members the difficulties caused by the pandemic, VNA’ frequent flyer program once again extends the expiry date for Platinum, Gold and Titanium membership tiers, which are due for a downgrade between August 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021.

Now, having conducted at least one qualifying mile transaction in 2019 or 2020, the members will have their membership extended through December 31, 2021 to enjoy Vietnam Airlines benefits.

We look forward to receiving further support and companionship from Lotusmiles members on the upcoming journeys.

Ban tin Lotus

Spirit Vietnam Airlines
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