All plans in hand with instant ticket changes

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, along with the negative effects that has been brought to the society across the continents, the pandemic itself is a driver for the entities to accelerate digital transformation and adopt a contactless mechanism for business transactions among individuals and enterprises.


VNA perceives this a big challenge and also an opportunity to digitalize intensely in order to approach and support its customers more effectively.

Recently, VNA’s customers all over the world have to call our Contact center and our offices for rebooking or change. Now, they can easily decide and change flights or itinerary by themselves while accessing VNA’ s website. Customers may even change their tickets with a new credit card different from the original one that is favorable for the people whose tickets were bought by someone else at the beginning.

Plan well in advance to get the best deals, and be confident to change plans if that’s what needs to happen.

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Le Thanh Huong-DMD

Spirit Vietnam Airlines
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