193 European airports aim to become emission-free by 2050

Copenhagen Airports A/S (CPH) has entered into agreement with a number of European airports to comply with the Paris Accord, thereby committing to becoming emission-free by 2050 at the latest. The driving force behind the agreement, named NETZERO 2050, is the international airport industry organisation, Airports Council International Europe (ACI Europe).


A total of 193 European airports across 24 countries have co-signed the agreement (Cre: CPH).

The 193 airports, spread across 39 airport operators, commit to reducing CO2 emissions under their control to 0 (‘net zero’) by 2050. “It is essential to CPH that there is now agreement at European level to live up to the Paris Accord. We launched our own climate strategy earlier in the year outlining the vision that the entire airport is emission-free by 2050.  I am very satisfied to see that the parties now agree to pursue the same goal at European level. As an international airport, we operate in an international market, meaning that it does not suffice to devise ambitious climate objectives locally in Denmark. Committed international collaboration is, therefore, absolutely essential,” says Thomas Woldbye, CEO, CPH.

Identifying the solutions of the future together
CPH itself controls approximately seven percent of total CO2 emissions from the airport. The remaining approximately 93 percent relate to aircraft, transportation to and from the airport and the consumption of other partners in and around the airport.

“Our ambitions go beyond our own emissions. An important element of our climate strategy is therefore to join strategic partnerships related to future aviation climate solutions,” the CEO states.

Copenhagen Airport’s climate strategy:

  • CPH will be a CO2-neutral airport in 2019. This has already been realised by means of continued targeted efforts to reduce the emissions which CPH controls (i.e. energy and fuel consumption and staff business trips) and the implementation of climate compensation to neutralise CPH’s residual emissions by supporting projects, both in Denmark and other countries, which reduce CO2.
  • By 2030, CPH will be an emission-free airport with emission-free transport to and from the airport. This will be realised partly by CPH’s continued investment in solar panel systems and support of green conversion of land transport by improving the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles within the airport area.
  • The entire airport will be emission-free by 2050. CPH will be entirely free of CO2 emissions from the airport itself, air traffic, companies operating in the airport and land traffic to and from the airport. This will be realised, i.a., by means of strategic partnerships across the aviation industry, decision-makers and researchers, aiming at greater availability of sustainable fuel and development of climate-friendly technologies.

Cre: CPH

Nguyen Mai Huong – COMM

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