The workshop had the participation of:
1. Mr. Trinh Ngoc Thanh – Executive Vice President – Director of Service Unit.
2. Mr. Ngo Hong Minh – Head of Passenger Service Division.
3. Mr. Trinh Anh Thang – Deputy Head of Passenger Service Division.
4. Mr. Tran Chi Dung – Deputy Head of Human Resources Division.
5. Mr. Nguyen Van Dung – Director of VIAGS at Noi Bai Branch.
Plus Vietnam Airlines staff from the Passenger Service Division, the Marketing and Sale Division, the Cargo Marketing Division, the Central Branch, NOC, TOC, the Cabin Crew, and VIAGS.

The guests of the Workshop were leading experts in the fields of sciences, society, and humanities such as Prof., Sc.D. Tran Ngoc Them – lecturer of the Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities, and Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nguyen Tien Luc – lecturer of the Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities.
The “Changing with the world” Workshop of the Service Unit delivered the message of caring for customers from the littlest of things upwards. Customers will feel the dedicated and professional service quality if we have a solid cultural foundation.

The invited lecturers delivering presentations at the Workshop. (Cre: Vu Tuan).
The guest lecturers delivered presentations at the Workshop on the communication culture and psychology of Vietnamese and Japanese people.
The Workshop focused on “Visions – Missions – Core Values” with a presentation of Mr. Ngo Hong Minh, Head of Passenger Service Division. Mr. Trinh Anh Thang, Deputy Head of Passenger Service Division, delivered a presentation on the “hot” issue in the current context – “Airlines business development models”.

The most exciting parts of the workshop were the group discussions on the following topics:
Topic 1: The application of Visions – Missions – Core Values at work.
Topic 2: Practical applications for the development of Airlines business development models.
Topic 3: The application of communication culture and human psychology in the service sector.

Every participant had the opportunity to speak their minds, present ideas, and realize those ideas by developing concrete plans.
Everyone was eager to contribute their thoughts on how to increase work efficiency. Everyone was determined to make service plans for the future so that Vietnam Airlines can take one step further on its journey to reach international 5-star service quality.

A lively discussion between four groups. (Cre: Vu Tuan).

Pham Thi Khanh Chi – PSD