VNA, Korean Air, and China Airlines Promote Comprehensive Cooperation

VNA, Korean Air (South Korea), and China Airlines (Taiwan, China) have just agreed on working together to boost the advertisement of Vietnam’s tourism and enhance their comprehensive cooperation on multiple fronts.


The cooperation will maximize the benefits, incentives, and the service quality for passengers of the three airlines. Collaboration with these major carriers will boost VNA’s competitiveness on the international market.

Overview of the high-level meeting between VNA, Korean Air, and China Airlines. (Cre: Vu Tuan).

As per the agreement, the three airlines will focus on trade promotion, tourism in South Korea and Taiwan, participate in joint-booths in major events, and advertise Vietnam’s famous sea tourism destinations such as Ha Long, Nha Trang, Phu Quoc, in-turn attracting Korean and Taiwanese to explore the beauty of the S-shaped country.

The three airlines agreed on launching joint-incentives and boosting the cooperation in codeshare flights on routes connecting Vietnam to Korea and Taiwan, and on routes linking Vietnam to the US and Canada (transiting through Taiwan and vice-versa). Codeshare flights to North America are an important premise for VNA to develop new products directly connecting Vietnam to the US.

They agreed on sharing their ground services, baggage services, and aircraft technical services in their hub airports. Additionally, they also considered the possibility of raising their cooperation to a higher and closer form, such as a more exclusive alliance in the future.

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

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