[Valentine] A Journey of Happiness Spent Together

 “We are fortunate to have chosen to work in the same field – the same company – and now we are one family, with one shared direction,” said Ms. Le Minh Hieu when asked how she met her life partner. Hieu was born in 1987 and works as an assistant to the VASCO Flight Crew, while her husband Nguyen Duong Thang, 1982, is currently Deputy Head of the Sales & Trade Department.


Coming together by fate, staying together by resolve

Hieu always says that there is nothing unusual in her love story. In the beginning, she worked at the VASCO Branch in Ca Mau, while he worked at the headquarters in Ho Chi Minh City. The two seemed like parallel lines that would never cross, but fortunately, they shared the same home of VASCO, and met through work. First seeing each other only as co-workers, this couple then gradually fell for one another and eventually got married.

“Stress from life and work is inevitable, but to balance everything and maintain happiness in our family, each member has to try hard and control their own negative feelings, things will never go wrong if we know how best to diffuse a situation.” (Cre: Minh Hieu).

As a partner, as well as a co-worker, when asked if she knew about her husband’s salary as well as his bonus at the company, Hieu smiled shyly and said that although she and her husband do not bind each other financially, the family has a mutual fund – depending on the family spending, the remaining balance goes to the fund each month. Both of them are the sharing type, so they tell each other everything that happens in life, whether working for the same company or not, everything is very transparent.

Hieu proudly shared: “For us, every event is an unforgettable memory for the whole family to share, and is the foundation to build happiness for the future. We are thrilled to have three little princesses who are growing up day by day.” Thang is quite an understanding husband in his wife’s eyes. On special occasions, he always tries to give his wife little surprises and joy, which can be as simple as cooking a nice meal for her or taking her out for shopping, etc. These little things make Hieu find her husband “adorable.”

On the weekend we often go shopping together, then cook for our children their favorite dishes, and take them out to play or to the bookstore. We are almost always together on the weekend. (Cre: Minh Hieu).

The couple has three little children, but they do not live near the kids’ grandparents, so all housework and child-rearing tasks are shared between them and meticulously planned out. This has been true since her pregnancy to the first days of child-rearing and until she came back to work after her maternity leaves. According to Hieu, there were many difficulties at first, she did suffer from stress from time to time, but luckily Thang was always there to share the burden with her and encourage her so that she could pass through that stage as smoothly as possible.

Our child dreams of conquering the skies and exploring new lands like the pilots of VNA. (Cre: Minh Hieu).

The children are growing up every day and have all entered schooling age. Their eldest child of six years has even told her mom of her dream to become a pilot when she grows up. She expresses her admiration and a particular interest in pilots, in their uniforms, and in flight attendants, to the point that she cannot stop staring at them when she boards an airplane. Three little angels born upon the boundless love of their parents are the remarkable products of this interesting office romance. According to Hien, her happiness actually lies not in the distant things ahead, but in the journey that she has been through with her life partner.

Valentine’s Day amidst the epidemic and wishes for peace

These days, when the whole company and family are worried as they face an epidemic caused by the coronavirus, via Spirit, Mrs. Hieu and Mr. Thang wish all of their colleagues health and hope that everyone can stay side-by-side to fight the epidemic, closely monitor preventive measures as guided and recommended by medical institutions and the Group – while avoiding false information which can cause widespread fear. Let us wish for a Valentine’s Day full of love and heartwarming sharing for our VNA family.

Love, over the period of COVID-19, cannot be hidden by a face mask. “For me, as long as our family is together, every day is Valentine’s Day. On this occasion, I wish that you would always love us as you do now.” (Cre: Minh Hieu).

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

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