The Exciting Sports Competition at Long Bien Cluster – Hanoi

Long Bien Cluster – Hanoi held the 2019 sports tournament aiming to promote the wellness of employees, improve mutual understanding among units, discover and recruit talent to form teams to attend the Final Round of VNA’s Trade Union Sports Tournament.


The tournament gathered 470 athletes from different units. (Cre: Xuan Nghia).

On the morning of September the 27th, Long Bien Cluster’s Sports Tournament 2019 officially kicked-off at the HQ of the Corporation’s Trade Union office and sports complex.

The tournament included badminton, tennis, table tennis, men’s tug of war, and women’s tug of war, all of which share a common schedule from 8:00 am in the morning, and from 2:00 pm in the afternoon of September 27th, 2019. The VNA football league is happening in all three regions (North, Central, and South); therefore, the Sports Tournament of Long Bien Cluster – Hanoi in 2019 did not include men’s mini football.

Competitors in a tennis game under the bright sun. (Cre: Xuan Nghia).

The tournament attracted 470 athletes who were officials, employees and workers of different units and departments in Long Bien – Hanoi area including: Aviation Labor Supply and Import-Export Joint Stock Company (AlSIMEXCO), Aviation Information and Telecommunications Joint Stock Company (AITS), Cabin Crew Division, SKYPEC, Flight Crew Division 919, the Corporation’s Office Unit, General Import-Export JSC (AIRIMEX), SabreVietnam Joint Stock Company and VNA’s Northern Region Branch.

Table tennis attracted many women to compete. (Cre: Xuan Nghia).

Fierce bouts in a badminton game. (Cre: Xuan Nghia).

The teams ended an enthusiastic day of competition with various achievements. Below are the results of each tournament division:

The first prize in men’s doubles badminton belongs to Flight Crew Division 919, the second prize belongs to SKYPEC, and the third prize belongs to ALSIMEXCO. (Cre: Xuan Nghia).

The first prize in women’s doubles badminton belongs to SKYPEC, the second prize belongs to the Corporation’s Office Unit (Customer Services), and the third prize to the Cabin Crew Division. (Cre: Xuan Nghia).

The first prize in mixed-doubles badminton belongs to SKYPEC, the second prize belongs to the Cabin Crew Division, and the third prize belongs to AIRIMEX. (Cre: Xuan Nghia).

The first prize in men’s singles table tennis belongs to the Corporation’s Office Unit (Product Marketing Department), the second prize belongs to SKYPEC, and the third prize to the Corporation’s Office Unit (Accounting Department) and Flight Crew Division 919. (Cre: Xuan Nghia).

The first prize in women’s singles table tennis belongs to the Northern Region Branch, the second prize belongs to SKYPEC, and the third prize belongs to Sabre. (Cre: Xuan Nghia).

alt textThe first prize in men’s doubles table tennis belongs to the Corporation’s Office Unit (Product Marketing Department – Accounting Department), the second prize belongs to Flight Crew Division 919, and the third prize belongs to SKYPEC. (Cre: Xuan Nghia).

The first prize in mixed doubles table tennis division belongs to the Northern Region Branch, and the second prize to SKYPEC. (Cre: Xuan Nghia).

The first prize in men’s doubles tennis division belongs to the Corporation’s Office Unit (Branding and Communication Department), the second prize belongs to SKYPEC, and the third prize to the Cabin Crew Division and Flight Crew Division 919. (Cre: Xuan Nghia).

The first prize in the mixed doubles tennis division belongs to SKYPEC, the second prize belongs to Sabre. (Cre: Xuan Nghia).

The first prize in men’s tug of war belongs to ALSIMEXCO, the second prize belongs to SKYPEC, and the third prize belongs to Corporation’s Office Unit and AIRIMEX. (Cre: Xuan Nghia).

The first prize in women’s tug of war belongs to Flight Crew Division 919, the second prize to ALSIMEXCO, and the third to Sabre and AIRIMEX. (Cre: Xuan Nghia).

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

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