Vietnam Airlines is the only airline in Vietnam to conduct disinfectant spraying on its entire fleet

To ensure the highest level of safety for passengers, starting from midnight on the 25th of March 2020, Vietnam Airlines will spray and sanitize the entire fleet of aircraft and its equipment with disinfectant upon landing in Hanoi, Danang, and Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnam Airlines is the only airline in Vietnam to disinfect all operated aircraft on a daily basis.


Vietnam Airlines is the only airline in Vietnam to disinfect all operated aircraft on a daily basis (Cre: VNA).

Accordingly, Vietnam Airlines has prepared suitable equipment and chemicals, conducted training, and developed a disinfection procedure. The procedure includes two basic steps, which are spraying disinfectant on the aircraft and cleaning equipment with specialized liquid.  

Apart from disinfecting aircraft after each flight, at the end of the day, the carrier will spray disinfectant on all aircraft operated within the day once more and let the disinfectant soak overnight to maximize its effect.

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The aircraft will continue to be operated thirty minutes after being disinfected and sanitized (Cre: VNA).

Thorough disinfection is performed in all passenger’ cabins, cockpits, galley areas, and especially frequently touched surfaces like overhead compartments, armrests, headphones, buttons, and so forth. The aircraft will continue to be operated thirty minutes after being disinfected and sanitized.   

To ensure the health of passengers and flight crew members, all procedures and chemicals used for aircraft disinfection and sanitization by Vietnam Airlines are in line with the highest standards of the health and aviation sectors. The disinfectant Disinfection Spraying Solution CH2200 and Netbiokem DSAM are being used in accordance with the regulations and standards established by functional medical units and aircraft manufacturers, which pose no adverse health risks to passengers.

Besides performing disinfection, Vietnam Airlines also implements other preventive measures prior to take-off like doing health screenings for passengers at the airports, refusing to transport passengers showing abnormal signs of health,  and arranging seats which are spaced apart from one another if possible. These significantly demonstrate Vietnam Airlines’ effort in bringing passengers the safest and most comfortable travel experience.

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

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