[WTA 2019] 8th Day Results – Closer to Global Awards

For the VNA brand continuing to be named at this global award, let’s vote for VNA at WTA 2019.


On the 8th day of voting (October 11th), Internal Communication Division congratulates Mr. Nguyen Dinh Thanh – Technical Department, who was privileged to receive a 1:400 aircraft model. 

To receive the award of the program, please contact the Intranet at Communication Division (M1 Building) No. 200 Nguyen Son, Tel 024.38732732, ext. 2302. 

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VNA has the opportunity to be named as the World’s leading airline for Premium Economy Class for the fourth time. (Photo: Communication Department).

On October 12th, VNA was honored to be given three prestigious awards, namely “Asia’s Leading Airline – Economy Class,” “Asia’s Leading Airline – Premium Economy Class,” and “Asia’s Leading Airline – Brand” by World Travel Awards (WTA) at the WTA Asia & Oceania Gala Ceremony 2019 in Phu Quoc, Vietnam. This sets a wonderful precedent, and grants us a head start for approaching the global finale of the 2019 World Travel Awards—held this upcoming November in Oman.

For the VNA brand to continue to be named at this global award, please visit: https://www.worldtravelawards.com/vote to vote for VNA in the following two categories:

► World’s Leading Airlines – Premium Economy Class.

► World’s Leading Culture Airlines.

The Intranet will give one 1:400 aircraft model every day to a lucky staff member providing a photo of his/her registration confirmation email from WTA and a screenshot of completing the voting procedure sent to truyenthongnoibo@vietnamairlines.com via email. (The mail should specify: Vote for VNA, full name, department, unit, and contact phone number).

Hopefully, thanks to the votes of all its staff, their friends and their relatives, this year, VNA will continue to be named at this prestigious award for the 4th consecutive year.

Le Thi Hang-COMM

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