VNA carries doctors and nurses in Bac Giang free of charge to their hometown

On June 27, VNA carried out free transportation of medical teams from Hue Central Hospital and C Hospital in Da Nang which had just left Bac Giang, under the program of free transportation of medical resources to help Bac Giang and Bac Ninh fight against the disease.


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Doctors and nurses with luggage and accompanying medical equipment are served free of charge at the counter, priority aisle. (Photo: VNA)

Accordingly, VNA flights carried 12 doctors and nurses from Hue Central Hospital and 6 doctors from C Da Nang Hospital after completing their tasks at the Bac Giang epidemic center. The whole group with luggage, accompanying medical equipment is served at the counter, priority aisle.

Previously, on the morning of May 31, 2021, a team of doctors from Hue Central Hospital left for Bac Giang with the task of taking over and taking main responsibility for the expertise at the COVID-19 Intensive Care Center and 101 beds. at the Psychiatric Hospital of Bac Giang province. The delegation consisted of experts in the fields of intensive care, cardiovascular resuscitation and anti-poison.

The team of doctors from C Hospital in Da Nang set off to Bac Giang hospital on the afternoon of June 1, 2021. The delegation, including 2 doctors and 4 nurses from the Department of Intensive Care and Anti-Poison came to Bac Giang to participate in treating COVID-19 patients. Responding to the call of the Ministry of Health and the direction of the Prime Minister to support the fight against the epidemic in Bac Giang and Bac Ninh, VNA has provided free transportation of human resources and accompanying luggage to prevent epidemics for the two provinces.

In addition to the medical team, doctors from Hue Central Hospital, Da Nang C Hospital, and VNA previously accompanied and transported 13 members of the Rapid Response Team of Cho Ray Hospital and 3 experts from the Pasteur Institute for free. Nha Trang. Up to now, with the cooperation of all doctors and nurses in Bac Giang, support doctors from the whole country as well as ministries, sectors and people, the epidemic situation in Bac Giang has been effectively controlled. 


Nguyen Xuan Nghia – COMM


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