VNA Brand with Email Signature Bearing Advertisement of Con Dao

As a cheap yet far-reaching method of advertisement, email costs, in some cases, are next to nothing while generating a high return on investment. Thanks to the extensive coverage of the Internet and the popularity of electronic mail, email marketing has a high rate of success.


Therefore, via email signature, the image of VNA will be repeated time and time again, thus increasing readers’ awareness of the national flag carrier’s brand. This is one of many useful ways to solidify VNA’ brand through the boundless reach of the Internet.

VNA Brand with Email Signature Bearing Advertisement of Con Dao (Cre: VNA).

To further VNA’ brand promotion in 2020 and ensure consistency in its marketing strategy, the Communications Department has rolled out a new email signature, which bears a resemblance to the advertisement of Con Dao on mass media.

All advertisements throughout 2019 adopted the signature color scheme of blue and yellow and the collar design of the ao dai uniform worn by flight attendants. Under the same color scheme, the newest email signature incorporates the advertisement of Con Dao on mass media. Staff members are required to change their email signatures to ensure consistency in VNA’ marketing strategy. 

The email signature is a part of VNA’ brand as it’s the first touchpoint for us to introduce VNA to customers, partners, etc. Thus, let each staff member be a brand ambassador to promote VNA’ image – the image of a four-star carrier that is constantly adapting, perfecting itself, and proudly taking passengers on amazing journeys.

For a step by step guideline on how to change your email signature, please click here.

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

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