VNA Applies Payment in Arrears Via AirPay Agent

VNA has successfully connected the postpaid service at AirPay agents for customers who buy tickets on VNA website.


With the desire to maintain continuous satisfaction for customers, especially targeting customers who do not hold a card or who want to pay in cash, customers who buy tickets on VNA website can have the added flexibility to select their preferred payment method at AirPay agents from July 04.

Payment flexibility for VNA flight tickets at AirPay Agent. (Cre: Airpay).

Accordingly, customers will make a reservation for tickets via the VNA website, select the payment in arrears, receive the Booking Code and then directly pay cash at 120 AirPay Agent points of sales. These points of sales are open from 08:00 to 22:00 every day, located across Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and planned to be deployed to other points of sales nationwide. To search for the nearest points of sales that accept payments for VNA air ticket, customers can visit here .

With their booking code within the 12 hours of validity customers have more options to consider and experience VNA’s services with attractive promotions in July:

► The program “Month-start, Good price” enables savings of up to 20% when you buy tickets on VNA website from July 1 to July 5 or buy a combo of flight plus hotel room from July 1 to July 10.

► The “Happy Thursday” program takes place every Thursday, with special offers up to 50% for some domestic itineraries.

► The program “Week-end, Sale-start” only takes place on weekends.

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

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