Virgin Airlines Is Bringing In A New Service To Help People Who Freak Out During Flying

Are you a nervous flier? Have you sat next to someone who is? Have you casually been trying to enjoy an inflight movie when the person next to you went full Kristen Wiig in Bridesmaids and started screaming about a colonial woman on the wing?


While that last one might be a bit extreme, there’s no denying that there are loads of people who reckon getting on a plane is worse than having nails slowly inserted into their eyes.

Whether it’s a fear the plane will crash or the circulated air being just a large collection of everyone’s breath, there are plenty of reasons why people fear flying.

But Virgin Airlines has decided that they don’t want any more passengers with heart rates over 130bpm and have introduced a new service that targets these nervous fliers.

Virgin Airlines is bringing an a new service to help people who freak out during flying. (Photo: Virgin Airlines).

Virgin Australia’s acting chief operations officer, Stuart Aggs, said: “Our research tells us more than 11 per cent of our guests experience high levels of nervousness about travelling, and that they want information and support to help them through their next flight.

“The Nervous Flyers program allows us to connect with our passengers throughout a number of touchpoints during their journey.

“Whether it’s sharing breathing techniques from one of our expert partners or a video to help put passengers at ease about turbulence, we want our guests to know we care and we’re here to support them.”

While people might think that a video or meditation app might be a crock of shit when the anxiety is rising, it’s better than nothing. It’ll give passengers a way to channel their fears, rather than just sit there and feel the blood thumping through your veins.

When you use these features, it will let cabin crew know you’re dealing with some stuff and come to check on you at various points during the flight.

Interestingly, in addition to the meditation and breathing techniques, passengers will also get to access information about the plane’s mechanics, which will explain why you’re suddenly hearing a noise coming from underneath you or why the flaps are moving right now.

Little things like this can mean the world to people who previously just had to sit there and hope the anxiety would subside or would have to guzzle a few vinos to make them pass out.

Stewart Perrie – LADbible

Nguyen Xuan Nghia – COMM

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