[Vietnam’s National Defense Day] VNA Group Pays Tribute to Veterans in the South

On the afternoon of December 14, a meeting was held by VNA Group at the Flight Training Center (FTC) to pay tribute to war veterans and former military personnel who are now working for the Southern Regional Office (SRO) on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army.


The meeting was attended by those working for VIAGS TSN, VAECO, Sabre, FTC, VASCO, TECS, Cabin Crew Division, JPA, VINAKO, VACS, SKYPEC, Flight Crew Division, Viet Flight Training, TCS, etc. 

War veterans and former military personnel at the informal meeting (Cre: VAECO).

At the meeting, President & CEO Duong Tri Thanh handed congratulatory letters and gifts to war veterans and former military personnel for their service. These outstanding people helped defend national peace and independence, and made contributions to the development of the VNA Group.

Tran Van Nhu – Vice President of the VNA Group Trade Union delivers his remarks on the contributions of war veterans and former military personnel into the development of the VNA Group. (Cre: The Du).

Tran Van Nhu – Vice President of the VNA Group Trade Union and Nguyen Hong Hung & Head of the Tan Son Nhat Group present gifts to war veterans and former military personnel (Cre: The Du).

On behalf of the participants, Pham Tho Hanh (TOC) expressed his sincere gratitude to the VNA Group for its considerations to war veterans and former military personnel and promised to try his best to contribute to the development of the VNA Group. 

Pham Tho Thanh (TOC) thanks the VNA Group for its considerations to war veterans and former military personnel (Cre: The Du).

It was a cozy and informal meeting of former servicemen, wherein they reminded one another of the glorious days of the Vietnamese armed forces and the Vietnamese people and kept themselves informed on the 70-year-long Vietnam – China relationship thanks to the presentation of Lt. Col. Vu Manh Tu – Head of Military Science, Military School of the Military Region 7.

Lt. Col. Vu Manh Tu – Head of Military Science, Military School of the Military Region 7 provides helpful information on the 70-year-long Vietnam – China relationship. (Cre: The Du).

VAECO war veterans and former military personnel reflect on the past. (Cre: Xuyen Tran).

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Vietnam Peoples’ Army, we wish our war veterans and former military personnel who are working for the VNA Group good health and continued efforts in showcasing the commendable virtues of military personnel in all that they do.

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

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