Vietnam holds first international aviation expo

The first International Aviation Expo (VIAE 2019) is taking place in Ho Chi Minh City from November 26-28,attracting the participation of various domestic and foreign businesses.


The expo featured over 100 pavilions, introducing many technologies and equipment in the field of aviation as well as auxiliary industrial products and interior and exterior equipmentof aircrafts.

At the VIAE 2019 (Photo: TTXVN)

The event offers an opportunity for domestic and international airlines and aviation manufacturers to meet and exchange information related to the technology trends as well as promote trade exchange, contributing to the sustainable development of Vietnam’s aviation industry.

During the three-day expo, many seminars and conferences are being held to discuss investment in the construction of airports during the 2020-2030 decade; civil aviation management; general operation of airports; solutions for aviation personnel issues; and major measures that Vietnamese airlines prepare inresponse to the fourth industrial revolution.

Asia – Pacific is now rated by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) as the most dynamic region with the highest growth in the world, with 6%-7% per year.

Particularly, the growth of Vietnam’s aviation has doubled the region’s general market over the past decade, with an average ofover 16% per year.

At the VIAE 2019, many Vietnamese and international enterprises signed cooperation agreements, including those related to human training in the field of aviation.

Cre: Nhan Dan Online

Nguyen Xuan Nghia – COMM

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