Vietnam Airlines Temporarily Suspends Carrying Passengers from Europe to Vietnam to Slow the Pandemic

To slow the outbreak and spread of the COVID-19 epidemic for the sake of public health, from March 15th, 2020, Vietnam Airlines flights departing from London (UK), Paris (France), and Frankfurt (Germany) to Vietnam will not carry passengers.


Flights departing from Vietnam to Europe are to be operated as normal in order to allow European passengers to return home.

From March 15th, 2020, Vietnam Airlines flights departing from London (UK), Paris (France), and Frankfurt (Germany) to Vietnam will not carry passengers (Cre: Boeing).

The airline is also working with relevant authorities to allow flights on March 14th, 2020, from London (UK), Paris (France), Frankfurt (Germany) to Vietnam to operate as planned, but with rerouting to land in Van Don and Can Tho airports to proceed with quarantine regulations. 

To assist affected passengers on flights between Europe and Vietnam, Vietnam Airlines will waive the fees for itinerary changes for passengers who have already purchased tickets, if requested.

For more information, please visit; our official Facebook page at, or contact any Vietnam Airlines ticket office or the Customer Service hotline at 1900 1100 (from Vietnam) or +84 2438 320 320 (from abroad).

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

Spirit Vietnam Airlines
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