Vietnam Airlines resumes, increases frequency of several flights in September

The national flag carrier Vietnam Airlines will resume flights connecting the central city of Da Nang with Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur and Thailand’s Bangkok from September 1 and September 15, respectively, the carrier has announced.


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Vietnam Airlines resumes, increases frequency of several flights in September. (Photo: VNA)

Accordingly, the Da Nang – Kuala Lumpur route will see four flights per week, with aircraft departing on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays, while the planes flying from Da Nang to the Thai capital will depart daily with each a day.

From September 15, the airline will also increase the frequencies of flights linking Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City with the Republic of Korea’s Seoul.

After this move, there will be 10 flights per week in the Hanoi-Seoul route, and 11 for the HCM City-Seoul route.

On this occasion, Vietnam Airlines also offer promotional tickets for these flights.

Cre: VietnamPlus

Nguyen Xuan Nghia – COMM

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