Vietnam Airlines provides free-of-charge news-reader app

Passengers using the air service provided by Vietnam Airlines can access a free-of-charge news-reader app PressReader for Vietnamese and international publications starting from August 15.


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Vietnam Airlines provides free-of-charge news-reader app (Photo: VNA) 

According to the national flag carrier, passengers can use the app from 24 hours before the schedule departure time until 24 hours after landing. 

To use the app, which provides more than 7,000 digital newspaper and magazine titles available in over 70 languages, passengers need to only use Vietnam Airlines’ app, choose the PressReader  button and verify by their booking code and flight information. The articles could be read online or downloaded for offline reading. 

Deputy General Director of Vietnam Airlines Trinh Hong Quang said this is a trailblazing step from the national flag carrier in its efforts to digitalise services and improve passengers’ experience, while minimising paper use and reducing weight and fuel consumption, thus helping protect the environment.

Cre: VietnamPlus

Nguyen Xuan Nghia – COMM

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