VIAGS Evaluates Service Skills of its Staff

VIAGS’s Service Standard Department organized a Skill Contest for its staff from all three branches to assess their service skills amidst crucial positions of VIAGS’s ground services.


VIAGS’s Service Standard Department (SSD) organized a Skill Contest to evaluate its staff’s service skills in crucial positions of VIAGS’s ground services such as Passenger Services (PS), Aircraft Weight & Balance (AWAB) and Apron Service Center (ASC) as well as to facilitate the exchange of working experience between its branches, further developing service quality and affirming VIAGS’s 4-star quality in operations.

VIAGS’s Skill Contest for its staff from all three branches (Photo: VIAGS)

After the contest’s preliminary round from July to September 2019, outstanding staff was chosen to advance to the final in VIAGS DAD in each branch. In the afternoon of September 19th, the leading participants from PS, AWAB, and ASC underwent fierce competition in flight simulation and finished admirably displaying their best effort.

The contest was held to honor distinguished individuals in their performance and expertise, thus promoting the brands of VIAGS specifically and VNA in general to their partners and customers. The contest evaluated the quality of staff members working in various parts of ground services, creating opportunities for them to exchange experience, learn and develop their expertise, contributing to upholding 4-star certified services.

The contest ended with awards from 8 prestigious categories being given out to 24 exceptionally performing individuals throughout the course. Including:

Best Welcome Staff: First place: Ngo Thi Cuc – VIAGS NBA, Second place: Trinh Thi Thu Hoa – VIAGS NBA, Third place: Ngo Xuan Hoang – VIAGS TSN. (Photo: VIAGS).

Best Passenger Service Agent: First place: Nguyen Lam Dat – VIAGS TSN, Second place: Nguyen Thi Phuong Hoa – VIAGS TSN, Third place: Nguyễn Thị Nguyên Hạnh – VIAGS DAD. (Photo: VIAGS).

Best Passenger Supervisor: First place: Do Hai Binh- VIAGS NBA, Second place: Nguyen Thi Phuong Hoa – VIAGS TSN, Third place: Tran Ngoc Tram Anh – VIAGS DAD. (Photo: VIAGS).

Best Baggage Service Staff: First place: Do Ngoc Vu – VIAGS DAD, Second place: Nguyen Van Canh – VIAGS TSN, Third place:  Nguyen Van Sy – VIAGS NBA. (Photo: VIAGS).

Best Document Staff: First place: Pham Ngoc Khanh – VIAGS NBA, Second place: Nguyen Anh Tuan – VIAGS DAD, Third place: Vo Minh Hieu – VIAGS TSN (Photo: VIAGS).

Best Team of Drivers: First place: VIAGS DAD, Second place: VIAGS TSN, Third place: VIAGS NBA. (Photo: VIAGS).

Best Cabin Cleaning Service: First place: VIAGS NBA, Second place: VIAGS DAD, Third place: VIAGS TSN. (Photo: VIAGS).

This contest not only enhanced the capacity of VIAGS’s staff in crucial positions of ground services but also pinpointed outstanding individuals in its business activities, facilitating timely commendation, and contributing to its organizational culture and development. Additionally, the contest also created a playground with various challenges designed to motivate VIAGS’s staff towards accomplishing their assigned tasks and fulfilling their daily work as well as reassuring the value of VIAGS’s brand and its people.

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

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