Nearly 360 citizens brought home from Taiwan

Nearly 360 Vietnamese citizens were brought home from Taiwan (China) on two flights on October 19.


Nearly 360 Vietnamese citizens were brought home from Taiwan (China) on two flights on October 19. (Photo: VietamPlus)

The flights were arranged by Vietnamese authorities, the Vietnamese economic – cultural office in Taipei, VNA and Taiwanese authorities.

The passengers were the elderly, the ill, pregnant women, workers with expired contracts, and students who have finished their education.

The Vietnamese office in Taipei had helped the citizens with boarding procedures.

Strict security, safety and epidemiological measures were implemented during the flights to ensure passengers’ health and prevent the spread of diseases.

After landing Cam Ranh airport, the passengers and crew members had their health checked and were sent to quarantine in line with regulations.

The repatriation of Vietnamese citizens in disadvantaged circumstances abroad will continue to be conducted in line with citizens’ wishes, the development of the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine capacity in the country.

Cre: VietnamPlus

Nguyen Xuan Nghia – COMM

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