Nearly 270 Vietnamese people brought home from Cyprus and Saudi Arabia

Nearly 270 Vietnamese citizens from Cyprus and Saudi Arabia were brought home on a repatriation flight which landed at the Can Tho International Airport in the Mekong Delta Province of Can Tho on August 9.


Nearly 270 Vietnamese citizens from Cyprus and Saudi Arabia were brought home on August 9. (Cre: VNA)

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the flight was arranged by authorities of Vietnam and the two countries and the national flag carrier Vietnam Airlines.

The 30-hour flight departed from Hanoi’s Noi Bai International Airport to Cyprus to take 70 passengers and then flew to Saudi Arabia to take nearly 200 others before landing safely at the Can Tho Airport, the ministry said.

Passengers included children under 18, the elderly, pregnant woman, people with illness, stranded tourists, labourers with expired contracts and without residence, interns, students without residence due to the closure of dormitories and other disadvantaged cases.

Right after landing at the airport, all the passengers and the flight crew members were given health check-ups and then sent to quarantine areas in accordance with current regulations.

This is the 86th repatriation flight arranged by Vietnamese authorities since April 10, bringing home 21,390 citizens from some 50 countries and territories.

Cre: Dan Tri

Nguyen Xuan Nghia – COMM

Spirit Vietnam Airlines
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