[nCoV] Lotus Lounges Make Efforts in Passenger Service and Virus Prevention

Vietnam Airlines has implemented a series of measures to protect its employees and passengers from the acute pneumonia infection caused by the coronavirus.


The staff members are equipped with personal protective equipment such as medical face masks and gloves. (Cre: SASCO).

Since Lunar New Year’s Eve, all staff members at the Vietnam Airlines’ Lotus Lounges have been equipped with personal protective equipment such as medical face masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer. They have also been trained in handwashing procedures as per the Ministry of Health’s recommendation.

Currently, all items for passenger services are washed, dried, and sterilized in compliance with food safety and hygiene regulations.

All items for passenger services are washed… (Cre: SASCO).

… Dried and sterilized in compliance with regulations. (Cre: NASCO).

From the 5th of February, all the Lotus Lounges will increase the distribution of hand sanitizer for passengers’ convenience at easily accessible areas such as entrances, reception desks, or toilets; ensure all food trays at the buffet area have lids; provide disposable pieces of cutlery such as knives, spoons, forks, and paper cups.

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All food trays at the buffet area at the Noi Bai’s Lotus Lounge have lids to ensure hygiene. (Cre: NASCO).

Vietnam Airlines has also increased the cleaning and disinfection of equipment in the Lotus Lounges, which has been performed once every hour or immediately after use to ensure the maximum protection against the disease.

All the Lotus Lounges will increase the distribution of hand sanitizer to serve passengers. (Cre: NASCO).

Thanks to Vietnam Airlines’ quick response, the passenger service at the Lotus Lounges still maintains its high level of quality and provides passengers with a peace of mind and immediate comfort. As the flag carrier, Vietnam Airlines is always concerned about the health of its employees and aware of its broader social responsibility.

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

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