London Symphony Orchestra entertains Hanoi audiences

The world-renowned London Symphony Orchestra (LSO) performed in Hanoi for Vietnam Airlines Classic – Hanoi Concert 2019 on October 5 night.


At the concert. (Photo: VNA)

This is the third consecutive year the British orchestra has performed in Hanoi, during which nearly 100 artists brought world-class works to local audiences.

The concert began with the Vietnamese national anthem Tien Quan Ca (The Marching Song) by Van Cao, which was followed by seven works by great composers of the world.

Like the previous years, the LSO concert took place at Ly Thai To Square by Hoan Kiem Lake, which is located in the heart of the capital city.

The concert was brought to an even larger audience via big screens placed on Dinh Tien Hoang pedestrian street and Dong Kinh Nghia Thuc Square.

Vietnam Airlines Classic – Hanoi Concert 2019 is an annual cultural even included in the cooperation agreement between the national flag carrier Vietnam Airlines and Hanoi.

Founded in 1904 by a collective of the most talented musicians in London, over the past 100 years the LSO has pursued its strong commitment to bringing top quality music to audiences all over the world.

Owned by its members, and comprising nearly 100 talented artists from many nations, the orchestra continues to showcase high levels of talent – as well as being a regular presence at the Barbican in London, with about 70 shows each year, the LSO also performs more than 70 international concerts annually.

Cre: Vietnamplus English

Nguyen Xuan Nghia – COMM

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