Japan Airlines introduces new inflight meal for international passengers

Japan Airlines (JAL) has teamed up with Dean and Deluca Japan to develop an exclusive inflight meal on select flights to North America, Europe, and Australia, starting December 1 this year until February 29, 2020.


Dubbed ‘Air Dean and Deluca’ by the Japanese carrier, the limited-time meal features spicy cajun flavored chicken over turmeric rice with a side of fresh coleslaw, and coffee jelly with sweetened milk for dessert. It will be served as the second meal before arrival to passengers traveling in economy and premium economy class.

Japan Airlines introduces new inflight meal for international passengers (Cre: JAL).

Passengers travelling on the following routes will get to try the new meal:

  • From Tokyo (Narita) to Chicago, Dallas/Fort Worth, Boston, New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Diego, Vancouver, Frankfurt, Helsinki, and Melbourne.
  • From Tokyo (Haneda) to New York, San Francisco, London (JL043), and Paris.
  • From Osaka (Kansai) to Los Angeles.

Dean and Deluca is an American chain of upscale grocery stores. The company first opened its first international location in Tokyo in 2003 with Itochu Dean and Deluca Japan. There are currently 50 locations across Japan.

Earlier this year, JAL welcomed five chefs from a Japanese culinary competition called Red U-35 to create meals for premium economy and economy class passengers flying on international flights between September 1, 2019, and August 31, 2020.

Cre: Japan Today

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

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