Impressions on the Service Conference 2019 Shared by the Youth Union of the Passenger Service Department (PSD)

As the core unit responsible for the organization and specialized inputs of the Service Conference 2019, the PSD Youth Union is sharing the feelings of the unit in particular and the PSD in general about the Service Conference 2019.


It has been more than ten days since the Service Conference 2019 took place, but the emotions and values brought forth by the Conference remain clear.

The preparations for this day kicked off almost two months before the conference date. It was not a short window, but also not too long as they required an event organized with high standards in terms of both technical agenda and logistics arrangements. With those requirements, Deputy General Director Trinh Ngoc Thanh has entrusted PSD to act as the focal point for the specialized input for the annual Service Conference.

The coalition of youth unions of VAECO – PSD – Technical Division with a short play about IFE at the Service Day. (Cre: Vu Tuan).

After the kickoff meeting with leaders of the specialized departments of the unit and the Executive Committee of the Youth Union, the work was urgently carried out with the desire to organize a conference that could meet the expectations of the Deputy General Director in particular and VNA Group in general.

Thanks to close guidance from the Board, the Departments, and the leaders of the Youth Union, the preparation for specialized-related content for the Service Workshop and Conference was urgently carried out with a lot of effort.

Besides, the organization of the first Service Day was also an unprecedented and unique mission for PSD members. Although it created great pressure for the implementation arrangement, it thrilled everyone. PSD members coordinated with the Technical Division and VAECO, units of the same Service Team, to make video clips introducing the team and expressing its energy. The video clip was highly appreciated at Service Day. Together with video clips of 8 other Service teams plus the discussions of VNA Group leaders at the Seminar before the Conference, the Service Day has brought Service Conference 2019 a new feel, helping to convey the values and beliefs from VNA’s leadership to the conference.

Based on what the Service Conference  2019 has achieved both in terms of specialized patterns and determination for the bigger goal, the PSD in particular and VNA Group in general share a belief about the glory to be achieved in the near future – a bright future for the development of Vietnam Airlines Service Quality and for the VNA Group.

Duong Thuy Nguyen – PSD

Spirit Vietnam Airlines
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