“I am duty bound and committed to stand with Vietnam Airlines”

As I look back into my years with Vietnam Airlines, I can proudly say that each passing day had been a rich experience with variations in flight operations under challenging conditions, both in the domestic and international sectors.


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Hello Mr. Dan! Please tell us something about yourself?

Xin Chao,
This is Chandan Bhattacharjee (lovingly called Dan by my friends and colleagues in Vietnam Airlines), working as a Captain and an Instructor in A321 fleet, having been credited with around 15,000 hours of flight experience. 

I was born in the city of Calcutta in India and have the experience of flying with various airlines in different countries before coming to Vietnam.

Can you share your journey with Vietnam Airlines?

My journey with Vietnam Airlines began in the year 2014 and since then it had been a smooth ride in tailwinds thanks to a lot of hard work and self-imposed 3D – Devotion, Dedication, and Discipline.

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The initial phases of induction, training and necessary fulfillment of statutory requirements were very interesting learning experiences with positive inputs and guidance by the enthusiastic instructors and colleagues.

As I look back into my years with Vietnam Airlines, I can proudly say that each passing day had been a rich experience with variations in flight operations under challenging conditions, both in the domestic and international sectors. I am glad that I could rise to the occasion and satisfactorily fulfill the responsibilities bestowed upon me from time to time by my superiors.
SAFETY has been the hallmark of Vietnam Airlines and I am privileged to be able to contribute successfully towards the implementation of this safety culture.

What is the thing that you are most proud of and love most about working at Vietnam Airlines?

There are multiple factors that make me proud about working with Vietnam Airlines.

The Fleet Management in Vietnam Airlines consists of a young, dynamic, and dedicated team of professionals. The leadership of Fleet Management has always been very spirited and enthusiastic about the responsibilities and had been open to changes. Every relevant detail and information is percolated down to the lowest structure and pilots are encouraged to express their opinion.

I had always observed that the members of the Fleet Management team had been ever ready with their eagerness to help and provide the necessary support as and when required. A very open channel of communication is always maintained. Their ever smiling, cheerful and positive nature is a source of inspiration for all of us in the fleet.

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On our everyday flight operations, I would certainly mention that it had been a satisfying experience as Captain/Instructor to perform safely under challenging conditions and contribute towards the development of the trainees/cadets from ab-initio to responsible pilots. The atmosphere within and outside the flight deck has been very professional and I am glad that I could contribute my part towards the development of the young generation to build them up to the desired level of competency. The trainees on their part have always been eager to learn and grasp the intricacies of modern flying.

Through this column, I would also like to compliment the team members of Operation Control Centre (OCC) for their untiring efforts in coordinating between the various departments and the regulatory authorities to keep the aircraft flying during these fast-changing scenarios.

No aircraft operations are completed without remembering the great support rendered by the dedicated team of Aircraft Maintenance Engineers. It had been a herculean task for the engineering team in Vietnam Airlines during these difficult times to keep the mixed fleet of aircrafts airworthy. I respectfully thank them from the bottom of my heart for giving us safe, well-maintained clean aircraft.

Worthy of mention are the hard-working team of Cabin Crew. They have been working professionally and competently, carrying with them an ever-helpful attitude, always smiling and safely comforting the passengers, as we carry them from different corners of the globe, especially during these difficult times of the pandemic, when we must operate under very tiring conditions.
The hard work, dedication, and integrity of each member of different departments contribute towards successful flight operations and I am truly proud that I could effectively perform my responsibilities and be part of this big family – Vietnam Airlines.

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What is your most memorable experience while working at Vietnam Airlines?

Every passing day in Vietnam Airlines has been memorable. The spirited, ever smiling, helpful nature of the colleagues from every department had been a source of inspiration that will always remain etched into my memory.
Each day had been an enriching experience and I consider myself blessed that I could blend myself into the warmth of this wonderful organization.

2020 – 2021 is a very difficult time for Vietnam Airlines when the COVID-19 hits, how do you get through this time?

Like all other major global airlines, we at Vietnam Airlines have also been hit very badly during these difficult times, which had caused crippling effects on every individual’s life, and I too had my share of it. However, I soon realized the ill consequences of negativism and never allowed boredom to rule over me.

I channeled my energies into rebuilding myself using the available time into reading, developing further professional knowledge, keeping abreast with the latest transformations around, and contributing my part as required by my fleet. Of course, I did watch a lot of movies at home during times of social distancing.

I always maintain an optimistic approach and strongly believe that together we shall soon overcome this dark period and Vietnam Airlines will definitely bounce back into steady growth.

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It is known that during this difficult time, you are still determined to accompany Vietnam Airlines. What are the reasons for this?

Determination is born from zeal to succeed. And I would like to state here that during these most difficult times of the pandemic, the Top Leadership of Vietnam Airlines had been extremely supportive. The gesture of encouragement and generosity during the darkest phase had kept the hopes alive within all.

I can proudly and confidently admit that I am duty-bound and committed to standing with the Company during this time and always to contribute towards successful development in any capacity, anywhere, anytime. The need  for all of us is to work hand in hand towards strengthening the pillars of our beloved company.

What is your plan for the near future? Will you continue to work for Vietnam Airlines?

Yes of course. It is my commitment to continue to serve Vietnam Airlines and put in the best efforts towards my contribution for further growth of the Company.

Le Xuan Loc-PILOT     

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