[HOT] HR Department Recruiting an HR Specialist

The HR Department is now recruiting an HR specialist to expand the team and improve efficiency to meet the developmental demand for VNA.


I. Job title

HR specialist

II. Job requirements

► Graduated from a public university with merit or higher (GPA of 7.0/10 or 2.50/4.00 minimum) in Human Resource Management, Economics, Finance, or Business Administration;

► English proficiency: minimum 700 TOEIC or 78 TOEFL iBT or 6.0 IELTS (for internal candidates: minimum 600 TOEIC or 68 TOEFL IBT or 5.5 IELTS or equivalent);

► Age: 21-30 years old;

► Microsoft Office proficiency;

► At least 03 years of experience in a staffed organization, training, human resource management; Able to work independently and in groups; agile, honest, hardworking, good communication skills, good problem-solving skills.

 HR Department recruiting HR specialist. (Cre: Internet).

III. Required documents

► Application form;

► Resume (in English and Vietnamese);

► Certified copies of Graduate/Undergraduate degree (or graduation certificate), transcript of academic results; and other certificates (if any);

► Certified copies of English proficiency certificate(s);

► Resume with photo and verification of the local government of residence;

► Certified copy of birth certificate;

► Original health certificate of the medical facility at the district level or higher;

► Four 4×6 photos taken within 6 months;

► Reference(s) (if any).

IV. Application procedure

Step 1: Online submission:

Send your application to the following emails:

► Mr. Trieu Hai Dang: dangtrieuhai@vietnamairlines.com;

► Ms. Nguyen Hai Ha: hanguyenhai@vietnamairlines.com.

Submission deadline: before 01/10/2019

Step 2: Hard copy submission

− Qualified online applications will be notified to submit the hard copy. Candidates must bring original documents for comparison.

− Address: Organization and Human Resources Department, 5th floor, M1 building, 200 Nguyen Son, Long Bien, Hanoi.

V. Recruitment test:

– Round 1: Written-test.

– Round 2: Interviews with candidates selected after round 1.


– Candidates must bring their identity/citizenship card.

– Qualified candidates will be selected for the next rounds. Submitted documents will not be returned to unqualified candidates.  

HR Department

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

Spirit Vietnam Airlines
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