[Green Planet] Reduction of Plastic and Nylon Waste at Lotus Lounges

Under practical and comprehensive actions by VNA’ specialized departments in all of its products and services – from the ground to the sky – the airline continues to contribute to a greener planet. 


Nylon and plastic waste have been negatively affecting ecosystems, people’s living environment, people’s health, and each country’s sustainable development, hour by hour, day by day. If we do not implement effective and timely measures, these adverse effects will become even more severe.

Realizing the significance of sustainable development and environmental protection, VNA has launched an array of solutions in its “Green Planet” program, such as: abolishing the use of plastic covers for blankets and personal amenity kits, and limiting the use of plastic in bottled beverages and tea. As a part of this program, the Passenger Service Department (PSD) has cooperated with partners of Lotus Lounges in Noi Bai, Da Nang, and Tan Son Nhat airports, to examine products and equipment containing nylon and plastic. 

According to the PSD’s examination, there are some products and equipment of Lotus Lounges that produce avoidable plastic wastage. 

Passenger Service Department (PSD) has cooperated with partners of Lotus Lounges in Noi Bai, Da Nang, and Tan Son Nhat airports, to examine products and equipment containing nylon and plastic (Cre: Khanh Chi). 

The PSD has requested the NOC, CRO, & TOC to chair meetings with partners of Lotus Lounges to consider replacing products and services containing nylon and plastic with environment-friendly materials or to consider changes in service delivery methods to reduce harmful plastic waste. At the same time, the previously mentioned units and partners will agree on solutions for plastic reduction measures, then report the progress and time of implementation to the PSD before December 15, 2019.

Cotton swabs wrapped in nylon covers in Noi Bai Lotus Lounge. (Cre: Khanh Chi).

Several measures have been proposed by the PSD such as: For utensils: plastic knives, forks, and chopsticks will be replaced with stainless steel ones; assorted snacks in plastic wrapping will be replaced with large snack jars for passengers to take out snacks and put them on small personal dishes/trays. For bottled beverages, 20-liter glass bottles and glasses will be provided, and then passengers will use it according to their needs.

With practical and comprehensive actions by VNA’ specialized departments in all of its products and services – from the ground to the sky – the airline continues to contribute to a greener planet. 

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

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