Flight Operation Changes Due to Impact of Typhoon Neoguri in Japan

Due to the impact of typhoon Neoguri in Japan, VNA is going to change the operational plan of flights departing from/to the two airports of Nagoya and Narita (Tokyo) in the early morning on October 22, 2019, to ensure safety.


Vietnam Airlines will delay the departure of 08 flights between Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Danang, and Nagoya, Narita, including VN340, VN341, VN346, VN347, VN300, VN301, VN318, VN319, in the early morning and on October 22, 2019. These flights will be delayed from 25 minutes to nearly 9 hours. Vietnam Airlines will assist affected passengers to reserve seats again on other flights on the same route if required.

Satellite imagery of typhoon Neoguri (Cre: Windy.com)

Vietnam Airlines will continue to monitor the weather forecast and provide updates in future announcements. It is recommended that passengers who are scheduled to travel to/from Japan during this time should closely monitor the weather and information from the airline to arrange a suitable travel schedule. At the same time, passengers in Japan should also update information on the storm’s impact on routes and transport to the airport to arrange an appropriate travel time and plan.

Vietnam Airlines hopes to have an understanding of its passengers in the case that the flight operation schedule has to change due to the impact of the typhoon. Please visit the VNA website at www.vietnamairlines.com, VNA’s official Facebook page at www.facebook.com/VietnamAirlines or contact Vietnam Airlines ticket offices nationwide or Customer Care Centers at 1900 1100 (calling within Vietnam) or +84 24 38320 320 (calling from foreign countries to Vietnam) for support.

The list of flights affected by the typhoon:

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

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