Executive Director Issues a Directive on Increasing the Security of Civil Aviation

To proactively and effectively prepare, prevent, and deal with unlawful interference in civil aviation operations, the Executive Director issued a directive requiring heads of departments and units to perform accordingly.


Executive Director Duong Tri Thanh issues a directive on ensuring civil aviation security under the current situation. (Cre: VIAGS).

As per the directive, heads of departments and units are requested to organize capacity building, improve political thought, and raise their staff members’ caution and awareness in following the working rules and regulations to ensure their compliance with aviation security, standards, procedures, and safety measures. This added focus is to avoid any incident that might pose a threat to aviation security and safety.

Measures to be reinforced include:

  • Increase internal security checks with aviation staff to uncover, intercept, and root out the threat of terrorist organizations taking advantage of them and involving them in criminal activities.
  • Report aviation security-related information promptly to the authorities to proactively enable effective measures, preventing and countering potential terrorist acts or unlawful interference in civil aviation operations.
  • Collaborate with the local army, police, and authorities to proactively grasp the situation, to uncover and deal with disruptive activities, large crowds, or any activity violating aviation security regulations that might pose a threat to normal operations of airports.
  • Proactively monitor, make plans, and countermeasures for emergency situations that threaten aviation security and safety to handle any abnormal situation on time proactively and effectively.
  • Upgrade and implement additional layers of aviation security to meet the requirements and standards of the regulations; install, equip, and upgrade the intrusion detection system, and maintain surveillance cameras to required standards.
  • Maintain constant aviation security checks and surveillance, combined with patrols and guards, to quickly detect illegal intrusion into the restricted areas of departments and airports.

Executive Director Duong Tri Thanh also requested the Aviation Security Department to supervise regularly, urge and monitor how the directive is carried out, requesting heads of departments and units to strictly follow the directive and perform their assigned tasks and duties.

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

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