Emirates Flight Catering reduces packaging waste by 750 tonnes a year

To further reduce waste across its food manufacturing operations, Emirates Flight Catering (EKFC), has introduced a new packaging solution which is hoped will save 750 tonnes of cardboard waste across its 100,000 in-flight meals per day.


Saeed Mohammed, the chief executive officer of Emirates Flight Catering, said: “We are committed to operating with a mindset of efficiency and environmental sustainability. In addition to our vertical farming and solar power projects, our new packaging solution is already the third key initiative we have launched in a year to reduce our environmental footprint and deliver more value for our stakeholders. We continue to challenge our processes and work practices to ensure the highest possible level of environmental efficiency across our operations.”

Emirates Flight Catering reduces packaging waste by 750 tonnes a year (Cre: Emirates).

The company has recently commissioned a state-of-the-art solar power system across its premises, which is expected to generate 4,195 MWh – decreasing carbon dioxide emissions by 3 million kilograms annually.

It will also soon begin construction on a 130,000 square foot vertical farming facility which will produce 2,700 kg of high quality, herbicide- and pesticide-free leafy greens daily, using 99% less water than outdoor fields. The first products are expected to be delivered to our customers in 2020.

Cre: hmgaerospace

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

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