Delta puts its best foot forward with Bombas collaboration

Delta has collaborated with the Bombas sock company to provide Bombas socks in amenity kits for Delta One passenger during September, while also donating socks to support the homeless in the US.


Bombas was set up after the co-founders learned that socks are the most requested clothing item in homeless shelters and feature a ‘buy one, give one’ model. Bombas has donated more than 20 million pairs to the homeless community across the US.

Delta puts its best foot forward with Bombas collaboration (Cre: Delta).

Through the collaboration, facilitated by the amenity company Buzz, Delta One customers will receive a free pair of Bombas dress socks in their in-flight amenity kits during the month of September, and for each pair given onboard, another will be donated on the ground.

As part of the partnership, Bombas will donate 300,000 pairs of their specially designed donation socks to Covenant House, which provides care and services to homeless and vulnerable youth in the country.

“When our Delta One customers put on their Bombas socks, they’ll know that they are playing a role in answering the needs of Covenant House shelters across the US,” said Mauricio Parise, managing director of Product Development.

Cre: HMG

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

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