Best Picture Oscar-winner “Parasite” at 12,500 Meters

There have been numerous studies proving that a parasite cannot exist without a host. It is even more impossible for it to survive at an altitude of 12,500m with a temperature of -54 degrees Celsius. However, on Vietnam Airlines’ A350 and B787…


Those mentioned above are parasites of biology and ecology. The Parasite of Vietnam Airlines is a soon-to-be classic Korean film by Bong Joon Ho, which has just won a resounding victory with four Academy Awards at the 2020 Oscars including Best Picture, Best Directing, Best International Feature Film, and Best Original Screenplay. In addition to its achievements at the 2020 Oscars, Parasite has also won dozens of awards at film festivals and film awards around the world, including the Palme d’Or at Cannes 2019.

The genius director Bong Joon Ho has excellently presented a flawless tragicomedy, containing multiple elements of entertainment and satire. At the same time, deep and bitter interpretation of Korean society is also wittily integrated into the movie. Parasite balances both commercial and academic values at once, attracting both critics and the general audience.

The most special thing about the movie rated 8.6/10 on IMDB comes from its authenticity, purity, and logic. Every detail is deliberate and well-groomed by the director, enthralling the audience as their bodies seem to produce some kind of unique hormones that make them feel uncomfortable like there is a parasite squirming inside (in a good way).

Parasite [Official Trailer] – In A350/B787 February 2020

Book flight tickets and enjoy Parasite – which has been included in the entertainment system of the A350/B787 aircraft operated by Vietnam Airlines. Experience the drama, fear, humor, indignation, and excitement.

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

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