[Baogiaoduc] 9th Flying with Our Nation Competition Kicks-Off

This weekend (October 13), the opening ceremony of the 9th “Cung non song cat canh” (Flying with our nation) competition in the 2019-2020 school year will take place at Le Hong Phong High School for the Gifted (District 5, HCMC).


“Cung non song cat canh” (Flying with our nation) is an annual intellectual competition organized by the HCMC Department of Education and Training in collaboration with the northern regional office of Vietnam Airlines Group, for high school students from all over the city.

Over the years, this beneficial event has provided an opportunity for students of the city to learn more about the country’s different regions, thus fostering and strengthening their love and pride in our nation. According to the organizer, there are many new features added in the knowledge quiz section of this year’s competition, in particular, the Celebration of the 50th anniversary in implementing the will of President Ho Chi Minh will be incorporated. Notably, in addition to the involvement of students from high schools, continued education institutes and vocational training institutes, secondary school students from 24 districts will also participate. 

Participating teams at the preliminary rounds of the 8th “Cung non song cat canh” (Flying with our nation) competition in the school year of 2018-2019. (Photo: Southern Regional Office).

Officially kicked-off on September 18 with an online round, spanning over half a month, the 9th “Cung non song cat canh” (Flying with our nation)  has attracted 62,783 participants from 213 high schools, secondary schools, multi-level high schools, continued education institutes, and vocational training institutes. Additionally, the complementary contest of designing a promotion banner for this year’s competition also received 42 competing products by enthusiastic students from various schools. The youthful and creative participants have embroidered the competition with their diverse styles, carefree attitudes, shared dream of flying high, and belief in introducing the beauty of the country of Vietnam and its people to the world.

This year’s competition consists of three rounds: Warm-up, Rolling, and Take-off (from October 13 to November 17)—promising to deliver fierce and thrilling competitions fused by all the participating teams’ curiosity and determination to win.

Reportedly (along with the Vietnam Airlines Group), Jetstar Pacific Airlines and Vietnam Aviation Academy will present as sponsors to award valuable prizes to outstanding individuals and teams.

Le Thi Hang-COMM

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