ANA to Enhance Service at Airports in Japan with Portable Translators

All Nippon Airways (ANA) is using technology to enhance communications between ground staff and passengers.


Pocketalk (Photo: ANA).

In December, the airline introduced the interactive translator Pocketalk, produced by Sourcenext, to the lobby and boarding gates of Osaka International Itami Airport.

The airline will now expand its use with 200 devices spread across all 50 domestic Japanese airports.

Pocketalk is a portable real-time language translator that will help ANA ground staff in domestic airports to communicate with foreign passengers instantly and naturally – no matter what language they speak. It has the ability to translate up to 74 languages, including various dialects and commonly used idiomatic phrases.

“ANA is constantly looking for opportunities to improve the passenger’s travel experience, and that includes taking steps to make our service at airports as inclusive and convenient as possible,” said Masaki Yokai, Senior Vice President of ANA. “Our commitment to service and Japanese hospitality has inspired us to look at innovative ways to use technology to enhance the passenger experience. Providing Pocketalk to our staff will simplify communication with global travelers and allow them to better meet passenger needs.”

Cre: TravelNewsAsia

Nguyen Xuan Nghia – COMM

Spirit Vietnam Airlines
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