All Nippon Airways Promoting UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

All Nippon Airways (ANA) has announced that it will be raising awareness of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during the 2019 UN General Assembly.


In order to illustrate ANA’s commitment to all 17 SDGs, all flight attendants and airport staff at Tokyo Haneda and Narita Airports will wear badges in support of ANA’s allegiance to sustainable development. 

UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (Cre: UN).

According to ANA’s senior vice president Yutaka Ito, the airline is taking a corporate responsibility in looking after environmental resources and ensures that it will protect the planet for future generations by reducing its ecological impact.  

The 74th session of the UN General Assembly will be held from September 17-30, 2019, in New York City. During this year’s General Assembly, the very first SDGs Summit will be convening on September 24 and 25 to discuss how to best raise standards of living across the globe while also safeguarding the environment, ecology and vulnerable communities. After the conclusion of the summit, ANA will implement new initiatives to promote the latest SDGs.

All flight attendants and airport staff at Tokyo Haneda and Narita Airports will wear badges in support of ANA’s allegiance to sustainable development (Cre: ANA).

From September 1 until October 31, 2019, all international flights will offer a documentary called “SDGs Channel” that outlines the Sustainable Development Goals. The documentary will include footage from some of the winners at the first SDGs Creative Awards and a brief introduction of the SDGs produced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. The SDGs Creative Awards is organized by the CSR company Tree, and encourages participants to create a unique video outlining the SDGs and their participation in promoting the goals. Roughly 200 videos were submitted, and eight winners were selected.

In addition, the October edition of inflight magazine “Tsubasa Global Wing” will also outline ANA Group’s SDGs activities with a special “All Nippon Airways Tomorrow” page to promote the Sustainable Development Goals.

As sustainability rises in importance and environmental protection becomes a more pressing issue, ANA aims to continue seeking out opportunities to set the standard for eco-friendly policies that make sense from both a business and ecological perspective.

Cre: Travel agent central

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

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