Airlines add more seats for Tet flights

Airlines have added more seats and air tickets prices are increasing as the Tet holiday approaches.


Vietnam Airlines have provided 230,000 more seats this holiday for routes with high demands like the Hanoi to and from HCM City-Phu Quoc-Vinh routes and HCM City to and from Danang-Thanh Hoa-Vinh-Hue. Jetstar Pacific will increase 40,000 more seats or 220 domestic flights. In total, Vietnam Airlines, Jetstar Pacific and VASCO will provide nearly 2.23 million seats for domestic flights during Tet holiday.

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Vietnam Airlines have provided 230,000 more seats this holiday for routes with high demands (Cre: VNA).

Despite the increasing number of seats, the tickets are being sold out quickly.
The lowest price for HCM City-Hanoi flights of Vietnam Airlines on January 23 is VND3.5m (USD151) economy class and VND7.5m for business class. According to the Civil Aviation Administration of Vietnam, it’s normal for HCM City-Hanoi flights to be crowded and the Hanoi-HCM City flights empty before Tet. The situation is often reversed after Tet. They have plans to deal with ticket shortages for this time.

Cre: VOV

Nguyen Mai Huong-COMM

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