VNA seeks to attract Belgian visitors to Vietnam

VNA organised a workshop in Brussels on July 4 to introduce its air routes to representatives from over 30 Belgian travel agencies.


The event aims to promote information related to VNA, air routes and services provided by the firm, as well as incentives for travelers from Brussels to Vietnam through major European transit points like Paris, Frankfurt or London.

By using modern wide-body aircraft of Airbus 350 and Boeing 787, and advantages that VNA has obtained through SkyTeam aviation alliance membership, the firm assures that it offers visitors interesting experiences together world-class quality services with affordable price. 

VNA organized a workshop in Brussels to introduce its air routes to representatives from over 30 Belgian travel agencies (Cre: TTXVN).

Pascal Van de Moortel, the representative of VNA in Brussels, said the firm targets tourism agencies, and those who attended the event are tour designers for travel companies and can recommend customers most convenient airline services for their tours.

Travel agency representatives could be the most efficient promoters of VNA in particular and Vietnam’s tourism industry in general, he said. 

The representatives were very interested in information introduced at the workshop, saying that the information is very interesting and detailed and suitable for group tours. 

Xenia Phicips from TUI Group said her firm has organized many tours to Vietnam, and its customers have enjoyed flight services provided by VNA. 

More and more Belgian people are interested in traveling to Vietnam, but a lack of a direct route between the two countries make many hesitate to decide Vietnam as their holiday destination. 

The seminar was part of efforts to attract affluent tourists from Belgium and other European nations to Vietnam.

Cre: VOV

Spirit Vietnam Airlines
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