Virgin Atlantic drops mandatory makeup for female flight attendants

Virgin Atlantic made changes to its styling and grooming policy on March 1, saying it has been listening to the views of its workers and made the changes to support them. 


British airline Virgin Atlantic says it's no longer mandatory for its female cabin crew to wear makeup on flights if they choose not to.

The airlines made changes to its styling and grooming policy on March 1.

The carrier made changes to its styling and grooming policy on March 1, saying they have been listening to the views of their workers and made the changes to support them.

"In a significant change for the aviation industry, our female cabin crew are no longer required to wear any makeup, if they so choose," the airline said in a statement. 

"They are, however, still very welcome to wear any of our existing palette of makeup (including lipstick and foundations) set out in Virgin Atlantic's guidelines."

Pants are now also available to women as part of their standard uniform. They had to be specially requested before, the company said.

"Not only do the new guidelines offer an increased level of comfort, they also provide our team with more choice on how they want to express themselves at work," the airline said.

Cre: CBC

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