Vietnam Airlines to list its shares on the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange on 7 May 2019

The Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange (HOSE) has just announced the listing and the first trading day of more than 1.4 billion shares of Vietnam Airlines (Vietnam Airlines ) with stock code HVN.


Specifically, HVN shares will be officially listed on the HOSE from 7 May, 2019 with reference price on the first trading day of VND 40,600/share each with a fluctuation band of ± 20 per cent.

All HVN shares were removed from listing on the UPCoM stock exchange on April 23, 2019. In its last trading session on the UpCoM on 22 April, 2019, the stock price stood at VND 40,300/share, nearly 1.5 times higher than the reference price of VND 28,000/share on the first trading day on 3 January, 2017. Thanks to the increased number and value of listed shares, the market capitalisation of Vietnam Airlines has surpassed VND 57 trillion, equivalent to USD 2.5 billion.

Vietnam Airlines to list its shares on the  Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange on 7 May 2019.

Vietnam Airlines has achieved remarkable growth after switching to a joint stock company in early 2015. In 2014, Vietnam Airlines’ consolidated revenue was estimated at VND 69.4 trillion and profit after tax at VND 416 billion. 2017 saw the airline continue to boost further growth, achieving VND 83.6 trillion and VND 2.6 trillion of consolidated revenue and profit respectively. In 2018, Vietnam Airlines reached a record consolidated revenue of nearly VND 100 trillion. Profit before tax reached VND 3.3 trillion, exceeding the planned figure of 23.4 per cent. Financial indicators of Vietnam Airlines have improved significantly as The debt to equity ratio is 2.58 at the end of 2018 and will be reduced to 2.41 by the end of 2019.

The flag carrier continued its growth momentum in the first quarter of 2019, pocketing VND 26 trillion of consolidated revenue and VND 1.5 trillion of consolidated profit before tax, achieving 45 per cent of the yearly plan. Vietnam Airlines’ revenue was estimated at VND 19.34 trillion, up 5.5 per cent over the same period and profit before tax reached more than VND 1.2 trillion, up 36.6 per cent over the same period.

Vietnam Airlines' share listing on the HOSE is seen as an important event, showing its determination to enhance long-term strategic vision and business efficiency, open up chances to access financial investors, promote the stock’s liquidity and maximise shareholders’ investment value.

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