Vietnam Airlines adding SOFORT banking payment method

Vietnam Airlines has added SOFORT Banking as a new online payment option starting 9 April, 2019.


In this constantly changing world, online shopping plays an important role in helping consumers save time when making purchases. Online payment methods are becoming increasingly popular around the world. Recently, mobile payment has undergone major development, resulting in reduced transaction time, increased convenience and safety for users.

To further facilitate shopping needs, Vietnam Airlines pays great efforts to update and add new, reliable means of online payment. In 2018, customers were able to purchase air tickets through the following payment gateways: VNPay QR, PayPal, Alipay, and Wechat Pay.

Vietnam Airlines has added SOFORT Banking as a new online payment option starting 9 April, 2019.

At the Sales Day conference on 17 February 2019, VNA’s Marketing Sales Department committed to providing payment methods with the aim of localizing international payment gateways. Accordingly, the MSD has collaborated with Finance and Accounting Department to successfully test the new payment method via SOFORT Banking. This pays a great contribution to boost sales in Germany, Switzerland and Austria markets.

SOFORT Banking is an online payment service directly linked to the customer's bank that allows customers to speed up international transfers with a high level of confidentiality. In order to proceed with ticket payments, customers can select SOFORT Banking method, following their bank information. Customers then will be directed to the account page and log in using their registered account.

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