SkyTeam Airport Maps Puts the Complete Airport Experience at Customers’ Fingertips

Now, travelers can benefit from up-to-the-minute airport information and easier navigation thanks to SkyTeam’s enhanced airport maps.


Whether they’re searching for the right gate, looking for the nearest check-in desk, or seeking the best place to grab a bite to eat, the feature enables users to access everything they need to know direct from their smartphones – so they can really make the most of their airport experience.

The maps currently cover 36 of the alliance’s key hubs and are available via the free SkyTeam app. Customers can access the maps while online, or use them offline by downloading them in advance, and our members can also integrate them into their own channels.

Skyteam adds airport maps to mobile app.

Additional maps will be live in the coming months, including Beirut, Jeddah and Nairobi.

Accuracy is ensured thanks to a network of local data providers, who feed SkyTeam with the latest information on shops, restaurants, in-airport services and other points of interest.

This information is then pushed live onto the app, which together with real-time locational tracking means people can quickly and easily find their way around any airport.

The new airport maps are another example of how SkyTeam is using state-of-the-art innovative technology to create a more enjoyable and seamless customer experience across our alliance.

Cre: Skyteam

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