SKYdeals launches inflight shoppertainment with Air France

The e-commerce platform SKYdeals is available on long, medium and short-haul flights equipped with an Internet connection to travelers from all countries starting this 2019.


The French startup SKYdeals reinvents travel retail thanks to its solution of inflight shoppertainment. SKYdeals strengthens its ties with the group by partnering with Air France to launch a pilot of its technology on several lines of the medium and long-haul networks of the airline.

Since January 2019, the e-commerce platform SKYdeals is available on long, medium and short-haul flights equipped with an Internet connection to travelers from all countries: North America, South America, Europe, North Africa, Middle East, Asia, and Oceania.

Julien Sivan, CEO of SKYdeals, says: “We are pleased that Air France is giving SKYdeals the opportunity to deploy our new inflight shoppertainment services. From now on, we can experience a large number of preferred offers to passengers. It will be interesting to measure the evolution of buying behaviors on board, which is a world premiere. We would like to thank Air France for their trust and support. With the arrival of Wi-Fi on the majority of the fleets worldwide, we hope to be able to reach an audience of more than 200 million passengers a year within five years.”

SKYdeals strengthens its ties with the group by partnering with Air France.

Considered as the future of travel retail, SKYdeals relies on two major innovations.

The first marketplace dedicated to travelers currently flying which allows brands to promote preferred offers to passengers available during the time of their flight.

Freely accessible from any device, SKYdeals is available to passengers from Air France Connect, the connectivity portal of Air France.

The unique targeting capacity of SKYdeals allows offering a unique shopping experience on board. SKYdeals has the ability to target offers based on the travelers’ profiles and destination. Premium brands or confidential brands, already present or not duty-free, will have the opportunity to offer passengers a series of exclusive offers on the platform, up to 50% off.

Inflight Shoppertainment features, consisting of a set of dynamic commercial offers, allow passengers to be entertained while enjoying advantageous offers:

  • Flyover offers: preferred offers triggered according to the area and the country overflown and are only available during the flyover time.
  • Group Buying offers: passengers on the same flight may group together to obtain more advantageous offers.
  • Flash sales: these offers are valid for 15 minutes at specific times during the flight.
  • Flying Auctions: Real auctions lasting the time of the flight.

With these features available, each connection to SKYdeals promises to be both entertaining and advantageous.

The ambition of this first deployment is a live trial of all these new offers with travelers from all nationalities and on a large number of routes.

Cre: Travel daily news

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