Received appreciation from Lotusmiles Million Miler member in Japan

Since the introduction of the new Million Miler card at the event in Ho Chi Minh City on December 1, 2022, Japan Branch has been in contact with Million Miler members since January to express our gratitude and prepare to deliver cards to Million Miler members.


Vietnam Airlines’ Japan Branch General Manager –  Mr. Ngo Sy Anh and Million Miler – member Mr. Ishimoto Ichizuru.

Japan Branch General Manager (Mr. Ngo Sy Anh) has met each Million Miler and handed over the card to the member. Million miler members gave their comments that they are very grateful for the direct delivery of their cards, and also they are looking forward to seeing the service improvements of Vietnam Airlines year by year.

Lots of Million Miler members in Japan fly at least once a month and as they said they will continue to fly with Vietnam Airlines in the coming years.

A memorial photo was taken with Japan Branch-  General Manager Mr. Ngo Sy Anh and Million Miler member – Mr. Osako Shinichi and Mr. Kinebuchi Kozo.

Many members expressed their appreciation for the continuous effort to provide various services even during the pandemic disaster of COVID-19, Million Miler members look forward to further developments of Vietnam Airlines in the future.

Japan Branch of Vietnam Airlines

Spirit Vietnam Airlines
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