Qatar Airway reveals new Economy Class

Qatar Airways has revealed the airline’s new Economy Class experience.


Features include a seat with an innovative 19-degree recline system, additional legroom, dual trays, 13.3-inch 4K widescreens and type ‘C’ fast charging USB port.

The airline’s new in-flight dining experience ‘Quisine’ offers a new retail-style tableware, a menu offering more choices, 25% larger main courses, 20% larger appetisers, and 50% larger desserts.

Qatar Airways has revealed the airline’s new Economy Class experience.

The airline is ‘going green with Quisine’, as the new Economy Class proposition sees a significant increase in rotable, recyclable and biodegradable products and reduction in single-use plastic.

Economy Class passengers will also be able to enjoy improved connectivity, including up to 10 times faster broadband, as well as more than 4,000 entertainment options on Qatar Airways’ Oryx One in-flight entertainment system.

The airline is ‘going green with Quisine.

Qatar Airways Group chief executive, His Excellency Mr. Akbar Al Baker, said: “We are very pleased to reveal our new Economy Class experience here at ITB, proving that our commitment to providing the very finest experience extends to all of our passengers, not only those in Premium class. Our new Economy Class seat, with its redesigned recline system and additional leg room, will ensure that our passengers in Economy Class arrive at their destinations feeling rested and refreshed.”

Cre: Apex

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